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Champagne Henri Dosnon


From the chalky soils of Côte des Bar, Champagne, emerges Champagne Henri Dosnon, a producer that crafts bubbly expressions of elegance, tradition, and terroir. With unwavering dedication to quality, Henri Dosnon weaves a tale of French viticulture excellence in every bottle.

Henri Dosnon’s commitment to low intervention and organic farming practices allows the unique character of each vineyard to shine through. The result is a collection of champagnes that capture the essence of the terroir, from the minerality of the soils to the subtle influences of the microclimates of Côte des Bar.

Each champagne from Henri Dosnon showcases a perfect balance of finesse and intensity. Whether it’s the lively effervescence of the Brut Selection or the layered elegance of the prestige cuvée, the wines carry a distinct mark of quality and authenticity.

Henri Dosnon champagnes are not just beverages; they are reflections of the rich tapestry of Champagne’s landscapes and traditions. Each sip brings forward the whispers of the vineyards, the mastery of the winemaking, and the joyful celebrations associated with the region.

North Carolina establishments looking to add a touch of French elegance to their offerings can now access Henri Dosnon’s exquisite champagnes through their official distributor, Freedom Beverage Company. A taste of the famed Côte des Bar region is merely a bottle away.